#MeetWBB is an effort run by the World Bachelor in Business students since 2016. Launched by Amber Huang, Lavina Lim and Olivia Spivey from Class of 2019, #MeetWBB was inspired by the hugely popular “Humans of New York,” which feature simple portraits of New Yorkers together with a vignette about some aspect of their life. Learn more about successful launch of Meet WBB here.
Leonardo YIP
Leonardo YIP
Hong Kong SAR
“It feels like we’re trapped in a cage. Like a bird. We have a certain degree of control within the cage. But we don’t realize that if we get out of that cage, there’s so much more freedom we can achieve by exploring the rest of the world. I see meditation as the key to unlocking the cage and exploring what’s outside.


I first got into meditation three years ago...

Kelsey YIN
Kelsey YIN
“I believe that the best way to figure out what you want to pursue is by actually doing it. I grew up as an only child, so I never had an older sibling or really any kind of figure that was there to tell me what to do or what to expect. I just always pushed myself to explore different things, achieve something more and do better.


I’ve always loved arts and...

Pavil GARG
Pavil GARG
"I was a national-level boxer in middle and high school. I started in seventh grade, and my seniors taught me more than my coach did. Every day, they encouraged me; when I couldn't do a push-up, they put their hand on my back and made me do that one final push-up. It was this spirit of camaraderie, with my teammates as my teachers, that helped me get to where I am today.


Rennie JIANG
Rennie JIANG
Taiwan China
“I don’t want WBB to be the coolest thing that I’ll ever do.

This past year, I spent two months just by myself, which is a lot of time to spend alone with your thoughts. I went through four strict quarantines where I couldn’t interact with anyone in person. It was then that I began to formulate who I wanted to be in the future and what WBB means to me.


Angela ZHOU
Angela ZHOU
"I started reading about human trafficking when I was 14 years old. I was at my friend's house for a sleepover and she was wearing these beautiful pajama pants, so I asked her where she'd gotten them from. She showed me the website, and I found out that the company was a non-profit that sold merchandise made by women who'd been enslaved by human trafficking in India. The money they earned from...
I grew up in Honduras, where I attended an American school. My teachers always teased me by saying, "You're not Honduran," because the way I behaved and looked at things was very different from how your average Honduran did. At times, I felt like a foreigner in my own country, which helped me develop a love for everything else that was out there.

In WBB, being surrounded by people...

WBB has made me realize that I can't stand the idea of living in a bubble. I don't want to live my entire life in the same place, surrounded by the same people. This past summer, I was interning in Bangkok and I decided to live in a hostel. Seeing the beautiful, historic sites of Thailand was incredible, but throughout the two months, the hostel had become the most memorable part by...
"Yeah, Starbucks changed my life.

Classic me, I was waiting in the Starbucks drive-through after school when I saw a small pamphlet from USC in my car; I picked it up, and in extremely tiny font at the bottom of the flyer were three letters, WBB. It was the first time I heard about the program, and right after reading the basic description of it, I knew it was for...